Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Most Basic Formula

Has anyone out there ever thought that there is a physical formula by which everything in the universe inevitably operates that is as yet undocumented? At times, I got the feeling that the universe was more orderly then it should be considering the laws of physics alone and that there could well be something out there that was all around us and had not been discovered yet.

There are four mathematical patterns that I have called "primes", for primal or primary. Everything that exists or ever can exist consists of manifestations and combinations of these four primes, or fundamental patterns.

The primes operate in an unvarying sequence: domain, level, comparison and, compensation. This is the formula that governs everything in existence. Nothing can exist that does not function by this sequence.

This primary sequence forms what we can call the walls and corridors of reality. In the same way, you can go anywhere you want in your own house, right?

Actually, you must follow the set pattern of walls and rooms. If you just walk in a straight line, you will probably run into a wall. In a city, you can walk or drive anywhere you like, but you actually must follow the pre-set pattern of the streets and sidewalks when you do.

This is the way that all of reality works, anything that exists, anything that happens, must follow this pre-set sequence of the basic patterns, the primes. If reality was the jam in a jar, the primes would be the jar.

Primes are mathematical entities in that they are patterns having no real existence of their own until they are manifested. In the same way, the number six has no real existence until we see six of something. Then the number becomes real because it has been manifested.

However, now we can see that the counting numbers 1,2,3,..... are not the most fundamental branch of mathematics as had been assumed. Numbers compose the level prime, which is the second prime, after domain.

Basically, whenever anything exists, we have a domain. These domains must each consist of  at least one level and the only thing that differentiates any domain from any other is levels, which is the second prime. Physicists tell us that everything is really numbers, and any pattern in these numbers comprises a domain. There would be no level prime if there was only one level in existence, which would be the one and only domain, for levels to be meaningful there has to be more then one. Basically, any condition is a domain but a condition of a condition is a level.

Nature always operates by comparison of levels, which is the third prime. Whenever this third prime, comparison (of levels) orders that a change must take place, we have what is known as compensation. This is the fourth prime.

If there were only empty space, with all space identical and no matter or electromagnetic radiation within, there would only be one domain. If there was matter, but no movement or change was possible, there would be the first two primes, domain and level. It is only when change and movement is possible that the last two primes, comparison and compensation, are manifested.

No matter how you analyze anything, no matter how you break things down, this four-part prime sequence is the kernel of reality that is absolutely invariable. This simple sequence governs everything that can exist or ever can happen. This is literally the core of logic. Everything else in physical reality can vary except this formula.

Surely there is more to be discovered about the primes and about this new field of primary theory. To make contributions to this new field, all one has to be able to do is think. No scientific equipment is required. This is only an example of the fact that there is so much around us that we do not notice because it is hidden in plain sight. I have written a book about this, "The Theory of Primes".

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