Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Era In Computer Languages

In the autumn of 1999, I completed my book, "The Theory of Primes" about the basic patterns, or primes, that underly everything that can exist or can happen. Everything is manifestations and combinations of the four primes. Nailing down the theory was not an easy process. I had an easier time coming up with my later "Theory of Stationary Space".

In working on The Theory of Primes, I knew I was onto something that there was some basic sequence that underlies everything that had not yet been discovered. I made a long list of all the patterns I observed in the world and universe around me. I then began chipping away at the list, eliminating those that were redundant or were combinations of other patterns.

What I was eventually left with was four very basic patterns that could not be reduced any further and which could combine to form any of the other patterns which I had eliminated. Since these four patterns were primary to everything that can exist, I named them the primes.

After the book was done and I had moved on to other interests and discoveries, I noticed that my thinking seemed to have been changed by working on The Theory of Primes. My thought process seemed to be more nimble and fluid than it had been before The Theory of Primes. I seemed to be more able to quickly and easily slip from one field of interest to another. Each different field of study, cosmology, archeology and, natural history for example, are, after all, manifestations and combinations of the same four primes.

Since I had so thoroughly tuned into these primes in my way of thinking, it made moving from one field to another much easier. It also gave me more insight into the role of art, poetry and, sports in society. These are what help to transmit the basic patterns into our thought processes.

Learning to think in terms of the primes instead of the "given", the universe of matter and energy, as I described in the book does not make a person "smarter". Rather, it tunes the thinking into the common pattern foundation of all possible fields of study and thus makes the thinking more fluid and nimble in moving from one field to another.

This really affected my thought processes. It did not make me "smarter", rather it made my thinking very fluid. Now that I thoroughly understood the underlying patterns common to everything, I could quickly and effortlessly jump from one field of thought to another.

What about the maze of computer languages nowadays? These are the systems of code used in programming to communicate with the computer. There is a plethora of such languages for every conceivable purpose. Most people have at least heard names like COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL, BASIC and, JAVA.

Some of the names of computer languages are not very imaginative. In 1972, C was introduced. It has since been followed by C+ and C++. These languages are very widely used, for wrinting the Windows operating system, for example. But I have always thought it sounded like a new and improved orange juice with ever-increasing amounts of vitamin C.

My question is if we now understand the underlying patterns that are common to everything in existence, why do we need so many computer languages for so many different purposes? These computer languages were not written with the underlying patterns in mind, which is why we have ended up with so many of them.

Why can't we have just one computer language based on the patterns which underlie all of reality? The language we will call PRIME would list all of the underlying patterns.

This would act as a template for the computer user to create an application for any conceivable use. The user would have to declare every domain, the levels of each one and the rules of comparison/compensation between the domains based on their levels. In other words, the pre-existing relationships between the domains and the nature and rules of their interactions.

The second and third tier patterns could be declared, if necessary. Domains could be of an unlimited number of different types and categories, based on their levels.

This would make the idea of programmers like that of the scribes of ancient times. Any computer user could create their own applications for any conceivable purpose in this new and simplified computer world. Applications could be made simple or ever more complex. Anyone could create an application by figuring out and then declaring all relevant patterns and primes, much like the old BASIC requiring declaration of all variables.

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