Saturday, July 11, 2009

Advanced Patterns

The primes that I have defined in the post above, "The Most Basic Formula" and in my book "The Theory of Primes" are what we would call the foundation of reality. This four-part formula describes the pattern sequence by which everything that exists or happens operates.

This is at an even deeper level of reality than the Big Bang. Indeed, when the universe began, it did so by following the four-step prime sequence, domain-level-comparison-compensation. Everything that has happened since then has followed exactly the same sequence.

As I described, patterns, including the primes, are mathematical entities like numbers or geometric shapes. Like all mathematical entities, patterns have no real existence until they are manifested by some "given". For example, a triangle or the number six have no real existence in themselves until they are manifested by something triangular in form or six of something.

The primes existed before the universe did but went unmanifested until the universe came into existence. The universe, the given, manifested the primes that were already in existence. These four primes, or fundamental patterns, that I have defined constitutes the foundation of reality, more primal than the familiar "given", which is space, matter, energy, etc.

However, there is also a "structure" of reality, based on this foundation, that I would like to describe here.


The four primes are the foundation of reality, or what we would call the first-tier patterns. So, let's begin our look into the structure of reality with the next level of reality, the second-tier patterns.

By the second tier, domains are already established. Thus, second tier patterns are what we could call "relational patterns". These are patterns that are manifested by the given, our universe, that itself manifests the primes, the first-tier patterns.

At each tier of reality, the patterns of that tier and of the tiers below are manifested. Thus, reality can be described as having a kind of pyramid structure.

It is complexity along with the inter-relatibility of the domains manifested by the given which determines the second-tier patterns that can be manifested. The relationships between domains varies according to a range between sub-domain and completely separate domain.

We could use a scale and say zero if a completely separate domain and one hundred if a fully incorporated sub-domain. Zero would mean that every matter particle in the universe would be completely separate in space from every other particle and one hundred would mean all the matter in the universe in one gigantic sphere. The more independent domains are in the second tier, the closer to zero on the scale, the more domains there will be in the given overall but the fewer patterns are likely to be manifested.

The midpoint of domain inter-relationship, fifty, is the most likely to cause the manifestation of the maximum number of patterns because it would have maximum complexity, while either extreme; zero or one hundred, will result in no patterns being manifested at that tier due to the low complexity, so that there would be only the basic first-tier primes.

The fundamental second-tier pattern to be manifested can be called either barrier or boundary, depending on the circumstances. This pattern requires a "double domain" for it's manifestation. That is, at least one domain existing within a larger domain, such as a planet in a universe.

Barrier and boundary are essentially the same thing. Boundary is the limits of a domain. Barrier is a levels gap, for example you cannot buy something costing two dollars if you only have one dollar, there is a barrier.

Thus, boundary is a domain expression while barrier is a level expression. Domain and level are the first two primes.


In terms of patterns, the basic plan of our universe is what I call the "double domain", this means that there is at least one domain within a larger domain. This plan permeates our universe.

Usually, but not always, space is the larger, or outer, domain and matter is the smaller, or inner, domain. Keep in mind that although this is the plan of our universe, there could be many more possible pattern plans for a universe, whether or not there are other universes to manifest them.

My theory is that the primes, the first tier, is absolutely primary and invariable. But the second-tier patterns are manifested due to the nature of our given; the space, matter and, energy. If the universe were composed of some kind of "stuff" that was utterly different from our familar space and matter, the second-tier patterns would also be different, although the primes would always be the same.

The second-tier patterns that I am going to describe can only be manifested in a universe with a double-domain pattern plan and enough available complexity. The outer, as well as the inner, domains are both necessary for the first of the second-tier patterns to be manifested, barrier/boundary.

The outer domain sets the limit to the levels of the inner domain and if the inner domain does not match, then barrier/boundary will be manifested. Each inner domain manifests barrier/boundary unless it's levels are equal to that of the outer domain, in which case it would not be defined as an inner domain.

It requires more than one inner domain, in other words complexity, to open up the possibility of more patterns being manifested besides barrier and boundary. I am presuming that all possible second-tier patterns in a double-domain universe are manifested by our universe, although I cannot be absolutely sure of that.

Some examples of double-domain are: athletes are inner domains, the playing field is the outer domain. Chess pieces are inner domains, the chess board is the outer domain. Planets and stars are the inner domains, space is the outer domain. Residents are the inner domains, the house is the outer domain.

This is the basic pattern plan of our universe and so many of the most important levels thereof are the ratios between inner and outer domains.

Just as there are four primes in the first tier, there are also four basic patterns manifested within the double-domain universe pattern plan of the second tier. The barrier/boundary pattern is a part of the double-domain plan and so is not included in these second-tier four.

The first of the four second-tier patterns is pathway. Examples of manifestations of pathway that we see all over the world and the universe are: orbits of one body around another, arteries and veins in our bodies, electrical circuits, hallways in buildings, roads, the ballistic path followed by a ball, the course of a river seeking the path of least resistance, any line from one point to another, the flow of time.

The second of the four second-tier patterns is bridge. The difference between pathway and bridge is that bridge overcomes some manifestation of barrier, which we saw is part of the double-domain pattern.

Indeed, bridges and barriers go together. Examples of bridge/barrier are: bridges over rivers, gates or holes in walls, energy to do work, money to buy something, a device to make work easier. Bridge/barrier essentially means the same thing as possible/impossible.

The third of the four second-tier patterns is seed. A seed is the beginning of the formation of a domain. Examples of seed are: any kind of growth pole, such as the beginning of a town, a body in space attracting more mass by gravity, condensation nuclei for clouds, a flame in flammable material.

The fourth of the four second-tier patterns is alphabet. An alphabet, in patterns terminology, is a large domain composed of smaller domains which exist just for the purpose of forming the larger domain. An ideal example of alphabet is the human body composed of it's various organs. Livers or hearts form to exist as parts of the body and have no reason to exist outside the body.

The difference between alphabet and sub-domain, as I described in The Theory of Primes, is that a sub-domain, such as a rock on a planet, or an atom in a molecule, can have an meaningful existence outside the larger domain of which it is a part, while in alphabet that is not the case. Examples of alphabet are: DNA sequences in the larger structure, ingredients in a cake, players in a team sport, actors in a cast, components in a car.

We can see that, while there are four second-tier patterns just as there is four primes in the first tier, the relationship between the four is different in the second tier. When pathway is manifested, it does not necessarily mean that bridge will be a factor. When bridge is crossed, it does not necessarily mean that a domain will form by seed. When seed brings a domain into manifestation, it need not mean that the domain will manifest alphabet.

In contrast with the primes, the first two, domain and level, always go together like hand in glove, domain always manifests levels. While the last two primes, comparison and compensation may not be manifested at at all. We can also see that the first-tier primes can be compared to atoms in the same way that the second-tier patterns can be compared to molecules composed from the primary atoms.


There is yet another tier of reality in our universe that I have identified, the third tier. I say "in our universe" because if another universe does, or could, exist, the patterns of the upper tiers may be completely different than in our universe or, may not exist at all.

Although my Theory of Primes stipulates that the first-tier patterns, the primes, are invariable and, unlike the upper tiers, have no dependence on the nature of the given (matter, energy, etc.) at all. There seems to be a limit of a few basic patterns at each tier of reality. At each of these tiers or stages, the patterns of that tier, as well as the ones of lower tiers are manifested.

As I stated above, the tiers seem to form a pyramid shape because proportionally very little of the given that manifests second-tier patterns also manifests third-tier patterns. This third tier also exists within the all-encompassing double-domain plan of our universe. It is manifested by the same given that the lower two tiers are.

Just as the second-tier patterns incorporate in double-domain form the first-tier primes, the third tier patterns incorporate both. As with each stage, patterns are manifested that are not manifested by the lower stages.

The third tier of reality consists of living things, while the second consists of inanimate matter. The living things of the third tier use the "vessel" plan. For example, human beings have skin and a skeleton forming a vessel to contain the rest of the body's components. This is, once again, a manifestation of the double-domain pattern plan that so dominates our universe but would not necessarily dominate another universe if one existed.

The four-step operational sequences by which both the first and second tiers function is also apparent in the third tier of reality. Consider the labor that human beings do. Everyone that works can be categorized in a four-part sequence: people who make things, people who move things, people who fix things and, people who run things. Although in our complex world, many occupations include elements of more than one of the four categories.

We can also see that each tier has it's own set of rules as well as being bound to the rules of the tiers below it. The rules of the first tier is simply the prime sequence: domain>level>comparison>compensation. The rules of the second tier in our universe are mathematics and the laws of physics. The living things composing the third tier are also bound by these rules and also by their instincts and human beings by their man-made laws.

The pattern that is manifested by the third tier but not by the two lower tiers is peak. All living things, including humans, thrive when certain factors in their existence are at a peak, rather than too high or too low.

With humans, several examples of peak are obvious. Work, play, food and, sleep are prominent parts of live for which peak is manifested. All humans will be better off with a certain peak in each of these things. They will be worse off if they have too much or too little.

Peak is also manifested in the four work categories. For example, society would be less efficient if there are too few or too many workers moving things in comparison with those making things. It is only in living things that this peak, referring to efficiency, is manifested. This pattern is meaningless to the inanimate matter of the second tier of reality in our universe.


The fact that the two tiers above the primes of the first tier depend on the nature of the given (space, matter, energy, etc.) leads us to our next step in our study of the structure of reality, what I have termed "The Theory of Puddles".

On the earth's surface, the low spots in the ground determine where puddles of water will form after it rains. The pattern structure of reality works the same way. The structure of reality can be described as "sloped". That is, there is "high ground" and "low ground" in reality.

The underlying first tier of reality, the primes, can be described as "flat", with no high or low "territory". It is the given that, while manifesting the primes, creates high and low territory which applies the tiers that come after. Indeed, each tier of reality contributes to the sloping of the higher tiers that may come after.

Some things in our universe are very common; electrons, atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, hydrogen and, rocks. These very common entities found in the universe can be described as "puddles" in terms of patterns. Such common entities would be found on the low ground of the terrain of reality.

In contrast, some things are rare; heavy water (in which the atoms of hydrogen have neutrons), gold, red giant stars, white lions and, billionaires. These rare entities are definitely not puddles like the common entities but exist on the high ground of the terrain of reality.

The basic primes of the first tier do not favor the existence of the common entities over the rare entities at all. It is not until the primes are manifested by some given that a sloped terrain of reality forms. Whatever entities or situations are very common in a certain tier can be described as "puddles" that form on the lowest ground.

Those entities that are rare, but possible, form on the higher terrain of the reality. Depending on the given, of course, the slopes and high ground can be totally different.

We cannot see these slopes, but all that we see around us is the result of this slope. If there was no slope, everything that could exist would have an equal chance of existence in equal numbers. Smaller things are lower on the slope simply because they require less for their existence than larger things.

Primes, and the rest of mathematics, forms the underlying "flat" and level foundation upon which to build reality in our universe. It is the given that builds a sloping landscape upon this flat foundation and causes puddles to form. As soon as we have a given, a curved or sloping landscape begins to form. There can be real existence but puddles form and dictate what will be common and what will be rare.

Biological life follows exactly the same pattern at a higher tier of reality. Ants and beetles are puddles, while brontosaurus lies on the high ground on the slope of third-tier reality. Cities and towns are puddles just as planets and stars are.

In a flat landscape, anything can theoretically exist and has an equal chance of existence. But in our universe, when anything exists, it becomes a part of the landscape itself. An asymmetry is thus created when the entity becomes a part of the landscape, causing it to slope. Puddles begin to form because in the sloping landscape, reality becomes biased toward the existence of some things over others.

In any curvature, the probability of existence for all possible existences becomes unequal. In other words, puddles form. There is a form of tension in which a given creates potential complexity and existences but in doing so, it slopes the terrain of reality and limits the range of existences.

With what we could call "flat reality", when something exists to manifest the primes, it has no effect on the terrain of reality as far as anything else existing. If reality is curved, it does. The reality of our universe is obviously curved, at least above the first tier.

Whether or not the reality of a universe or situation is flat or curved depends, of course, on the nature of the given. In terms of human expression, numbers are part of the underlying flat landscape, while the words we have created to describe the world around us are puddles. This landscape of patterns always exists, even if there is nothing to manifest the patterns.

Any given conforms to this landscape and in doing so, forms a higher-tier landscape. It operates somewhat like a dump truck emptying a load of dirt on a flat surface so that higher and lower levels of terrain form as the dirt conforms to the underlying flat surface. The laws of physics are part of the secondary curved landscape and not part of the fundamental flat landscape of the first-tier primes.

As we know, a puddle is a low spot where water tends to accumulate. There are an infinity of patterns waiting to be manifested by some "given". When the universe of space and matter begins, and patterns do begin to be manifested by reality, it inevitable forms a "slope". This slope of reality means that some patterns are more likely to be manifested than others. The rare patterns are at the "high" end of the slope, and the common patterns form a "puddle" at the low end of the slope. In our universe, hydrogen atoms still comprise maybe 90% of all atoms, so they would definitely be in the puddle of the low end of the slope of reality. Diamonds are rare, they would still be in the puddle of reality because they exist, but would be in the shallows of the puddle higher on the slope.

This "slope" of reality could actually be described as a ratio between the potential complexity in the universe, and the available information that was introduced into the universe by the Big Bang. Just as any slope has a ratio between the height on one side and the height on the other side. If the available information in reality and the potential complexity were equal, reality would be flat, there would be no slope and no puddle, everything would be different from everything else so that there would be no words but only names. But that is not the case and the puddle of reality that we have is based on the inequality between the potential complexity in the universe and the information available to create patterns in that complexity.


We exist in a universe of space, matter, energy, and so on. That is not the only universe there is. There is also a universe of patterns. We can see primes and higher-tier patterns manifested all around us as I have described above and in the Theory of Primes. There is also almost certainly an infinity of patterns, most of which never have, and probably never will, be manifested by some given, such as a universe.

Suppose that, all over the world, people made sure that the number twenty-one was not manifested by anything anywhere. The number twenty-one would still exist in reality, even if it was unmanifested. Patterns are also mathematical entities and work the same way.

If another physical universe that was not composed of space, matter and, energy like ours, but was of a completely different "stuff", a completely different set of patterns could be manifested there which we will never see. Although my Theory of Primes stipulates that the basic primes will always be the same.

It would be the patterns of the higher tiers that could be different. In the universe of patterns, a pattern is no more or less a valid pattern whether it is ever manifested or not, just as the number 72,947,110,935 would be no less valid of a number if it were not manifested anywhere.

My perception of the patterns is, of course, limited by the universe in which I live. There almost certainly is fourth-tier patterns that exist that I do not see here. There could be a very special universe with one hundred ninety eight tiers instead of our universe's three. Once again, it does not matter if those patterns are ever actually manifested or not by any given.

The structure of the tiers of patterns could actually be a tree, rather than a pyramid, as we see in our universe. This would mean that more than one set of patterns in a given tier emerges out of the lower tier and are separated from the other set in some way that we do not see in our universe.

The pattern plan of our universe, the double-domain, is itself a puddle that has been brought into manifestation by the slope of the terrain of reality in our given. Indeed, the patterns which are manifested by any given, such as a universe, are themselves the result of the slope.

There is probably an infinity of universe pattern plans, of which the slope of reality in our universe chose the double-domain. There is also sure to be an infinity of patterns aside from the ones I have described on these two upper tiers on the high slopes of the terrain of our reality that have given way to the ones I have described here, which have formed our reality puddles.

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